King Street, Alexandria, VA
Design Completed 2004, Construction Completed 2006
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority WMATA
Architectural Designer
King Street Station patrons in Alexandria, Virginia, needed a second entrance for entry from the station's north side, serving new residences on the east and west sides. The design used the existing WMATA area under the elevated tracks to create a new mezzanine entrance with elevators and stairs up to an extended walkway from the end of the current platform. KGP design studio added mechanical spaces, a new kiosk with fare gates and machines, and a ground-level enclosure with open grills and glass walls. The existing concrete retaining wall was faced with "old town brick" to blend into the neighborhood and hide the excavated unfinished concrete to create the space.
KGP provided architectural design services used to construct the new mezzanine and entry facility for the King Street Station as part of the on-call services provided to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. KGP developed the design-build project to 30% of construction documents and coordinated the efforts of the project's consulting engineers.