Bankside London, England
Better Bankside Business Improvement District
The concept for the HIVE is from a design found in nature: the honeycomb.
The honeycomb is a robust and efficient unit used for protection and storage. Like honeycombs, individual bike storage cells join to produce a more extensive system or hive. The HIVE is the sum of many cells stacked and nestled together, forming a self-supporting structural trellis. Several arrangements of cells are possible and allow the HIVE to be suitable for any location.
• Site adaptability is addressed by introducing an easily adjustable form. Because the HIVE is composed of individual structural units and is not rigid, the tethered cells can shift individually to accommodate moderate changes in grade elevation. You can install the HIVE on gravel, earth, or uneven paving and perform effectively.
• The HIVE’s cycle storage containers are constructed of recycled fiberglass reinforced panels. The panels are connected using a stainless-steel piano hinge and stainless-steel hardware. Storage cells can be transparent, opaque, silk-screened, embossed, or descaled with ads and promotional data. They are collapsible and transport fat. Metal fasteners tether the cells to form the HIVE; the combined system is anchored to grade once erected on site.
• The HIVE is an expandable and rapidly deplorable grouping of cells secured together with weather-resistant marine-grade hardware. Storage capacity is the total sum of cells. The HIVE configuration can accommodate typical bicycle styles and some recumbent styles.
• Off-grid power for the HIVE is supplied by rolls of photo voltaic film applied to or embedded in the cell panels. This film will provide energy to small LED lights mounted inside the cell. The assembly includes integrated battery storage for evening illumination.